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25 Tech Tools January 8, 2010

Posted by jaybwas in Uncategorized.
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My first attempt at screencasting January 7, 2010

Posted by jaybwas in Uncategorized.
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I am a teacher of technology in the Medford Lakes School District. One of the most difficult and exciting aspects of my job is wearing the many hats that the job requires of me.  I must prepare my lesson plans, (all students grades 1-8), ensure that our network is running smoothly, we have excellent IT consultants that aren’t in house. Next, making sure that my coworkers are able implement new technologies in the classroom. Oh…and making sure that they can maintain their online gradebooks, online class pages….well you get the point!

We recently upgraded to Windows 2007, which is drastically different than Window 2003. An number of teachers were sending me daily emails asking how to use Word, why did we upgrade and could I stop by sometime and show them a thing or two, or…. five!

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before but I wanted to archive my screencast for teachers to use at their convenience. I did a simple search for FREE screencasting programs, I find it funny how many sites make big buck offering service so many others offer for nothing. I came across a few and decided to try screencast-o-matic.com!

I copied a picture of the interface:

There were only a few steps to getting started. Create an account, so that you can save your screencasts, or post them to YouTube. To be continued….